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Friday, February 19, 2016

Big WIn, Bigger Loss

There's a preflop bet to 1000 and three callers, including Scott Sisler and David Gutfreund.

The flop comes 5-J-8 , the 10 seat makes it 3000, one player folds, Sisler makes it 6300, Gutfreund folds and the 10 seat comes along.

Sisler makes it 6300 again on the 8 turn, and he gets a quick call.

There's a snap-shove from Sisler when the 7 hits the river, but that's the only fast action as the player in the 10 seat tanks for close to 2 1/2 minutes.

"He said call, right," says Sisler with a grin on his face that - if the 10 seat was paying attention - would have brought about the fastest fold in the history of poker.

"He didn't say anything," says the dealer and the 10-seat-tank continues.

The dealer counts out the 10925 stack Sisler put out in front of him, even though the other player didn't ask.

 Eventually the 10 seat mucks AJ face-up.

"I said I thought you said call because I knew I was good, but I knew I was behind the he whole time," says Sisler as he tables 77 for a rivered set.

So, we told you all that ... end of story, right? Nope, before we can get this typed up Sisler is in a 3-way all-in set-over-set-over 2 pair and he loses all but 2BB of his chips.

He puts those 2BB all in the next hand with 22 and doesn't hold.

Level 5
Blinds 150/300
Antes - 25
Entries - 184

Dan Ross -

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