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Friday, February 19, 2016

Champ Gets One

We probably need to be more descriptive with our headlines, considering how many former HPT champs are in the building today. Our HoldemRadio LiveUpdates team was on site with Joe Christman won his HPT title at Thunder Valley Casino on northern California in 2014 for a $165,000 payday.

Christman bet out 525 on a 9 J 5 flop and received one caller. Both players checked the K turn, and Christman added 600 to teh pot on the river, drawing a quick call.

Christman tabled Q J for the nut flush, his opponent mucked and Christman picked up his first pot of the day.

Also in today's field is Alex Greenblatt, 5th to Christman at Thunder Valley and the September 2013 runner-up here at Golden Gates.

Level 1
Blinds - 50/100
Entries - 161

--Dan Ross -

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