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Saturday, February 20, 2016

Clock, Call, Shove, Blank

I hear "Clock, Table 14," and I am a nosy cuss so I make my way across the room to see what's going on. Scott Dougherty bet out 6000 on a 4x 2♣️ J♠️ 9♥️ and Jonathan Gerrick minraised him to 12,000. delayed his decision long enough to have clock called on him.

He makes the call long before time runs out, then pushes all in when the turn is a blank, and he gets snap-called. Dougherty doesn't show his hand despite being called, so Gerrick turns over JJ for  top set. Dougherty eventually tosses KQo face-up - total air - says "You got me," and he's bluffed off his entire stack.

Jonathan Gerrick - 57,800

Level 6
Blinds - 200/400
Antes - 50
Entries - 219

Dan Ross -

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