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Thursday, February 18, 2016

He Got There

Gary Reisman leads out UTG, a player in middle position makes it 2200, Corey Zedo, Reisman and one other make the call.

The flop is KJ6 dhs. The 3-bettor makes it 3600, both Reisman and Zedo coming along.

Both Reisman and 3-bettor check the 6d turn, with Zedo making it 6100 and Reisman flatting once again.

The river is Td and Reisman leads out this time, for the same 6100 Zedo bet on the turn. Zedo makes teh call.

Reisman - KT for rivered two pair
Zedo - AK for being ahead all the way until it counted.

gary Reisman - 59,700
Corey Zedo - 96,000

Level 6
Blinds - 100/200
Antes - 25
Entries - 140

--Dan Ross -

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