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Saturday, February 20, 2016

Kessler KO's, then Doubles

Action folds around to a shortstacked Thomas Fuller moves all in from the button and a nearly-as-shortstacked Allen Kessler makes the call.

Fuller - 7♥️ 4♥️
Kessler - A♥️ 5♥️ 

The 7-6-5 flop hits both players, but puts Fuller ahead. Kessler catches his 2 pair with the A on the  turn, Fuller gets 2 pair also with a river 4 but is eliminated from the main event.

Kessler is all in again on the very next hand against Mikhail Blosser.

Kessler - A♠️K♠️
Blosser - JJ

Kessler gets there, turning the nut flush, and now is up to 75,000

Level 12
Blinds - 800/1600
Antes - 200
Players - 132

--Dan Ross -

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