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Friday, February 19, 2016

KO For Alex

The flop is 4♥️ A♥️ Q♠️ and there's a bet to 4300, Alex Greenblatt makes it 11,200 and the player in the 6 seat shoves. The original raiser gets out of the way and Greenblatt makes the call.

6 seat - A♣️5♠️
Greenblatt - A♦️4x

The board runs out 8♣️ 3♠️ and the player is eliminated

Alex Greenblatt - 142,000

Level 12
Blinds - 800/1600
Antes - 300
Players - the board says 140 but the board said 140 at the end of dinner break 80 minutes ago.

--Dan Ross -

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