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Friday, February 19, 2016

Roller Coasters, A New Beginning

We show up and there's already a big pile of red 5000-chips in the pot and Craig Casino has just 3-bet Alex Greenblatt to 35,000 on a 9♦️2♥️Q♣️ flop. Greenblatt pauses, then slowly calls. 

Casino checks the 2♦️ turn. The pot has more in it, far more, than Greenblatt has behind him at this point. Greenblatt checks behind.

The river is the A♠️ and Casino moves all-in, having Greenblatt covered, and Greenblatt snap-calls, tabling AA for a full house. Casino grimaces and mucks.

Alex Greenblatt - 347,000 (chipleader)
Craig Casino - 53,300

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