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Saturday, February 20, 2016

The History of the Milly

This marks the 10th consecutive Million Dollar Prize Pool for a HPT Main Event at Golden Gates Casino in Blackhawk, Colorado. Curious what the previous 9 were? Check it out

Sept, 2011 - $1,000,003 (that's right, by $3)
April, 2012 - $1,231,500 (record)
Sept, 2012 - $1,108,420

March 2013 - $1,006,500
Sept, 2013 - $1,070,420

Feb, 2014 - $1,048,110
Sept, 2014 - $1,008,420

Feb, 2015 - $1,118,670
Sept, 2015 $1,059,870

Today - (so far) $1,073,100

Level 4
Blinds - 100/200
Antes - 25
Entries - 200

--Dan Ross -

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