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Saturday, April 16, 2016

Roller Coaster

The flop is T-8-K, Sameer Al-Dbhani checks, his opponent - Bruce Summers - bets, Al-Dbhani check-raises, a 3-bet-all-in from Summers for 13,500 and a call from Al-Dbhani and the cards are revealed.

Al-Dbhani has flopped bottom two pair with T-8, while his Summers is holding K-Q. The 9 turn seems irrelevant, but when another 9 hits the river, Al-Dbhani's 8 is corrupted and his opponent has a bigger two pair.

Sameer Al-Dbhani - 78,000
Bruce Summers - 28,000

Level 7
Blinds - 250/500
Antes - 50
Entries - 147

--Dan Ross -

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