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Saturday, April 16, 2016

That's Not Broadway

Greg Jennings - winner here last September - leads out for 600, David Kruger calls from the cutoff, as does Joseph Froehle from the button. Both blinds muck and we're off to the flop.

K♥️ J♣️ 3♥️

Jennings and Kruger check, Froehle makes it 1100. Jennings folds and Kruger quickly calls.

Kruger snap-check-raises Froehle from 1200 to 5000 on the J♦️ turn. Froehle thinks a bit, and makes the call.

The river in 9♦️ and Kruger checks for the third time. Froehle hesitates, and checks behind.

Kruger - A-T for a missed Broadway draw
Froehle - J-T for trips and the win 

Joseph Froehle - 45,000
David Kruger - 26,000
Greg Jennings - 57,000

Level - 5
Blinds - 150/300
Antes - 25
Entries - 139

--Dan Ross -

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