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Saturday, May 21, 2016


The flop was 4♠️ 8 ♣️ 3♣️ there's an all in, an undershove and now Joseph Froehle is deciding whether to call the two all-ins, and he has both stacks covered. Froehle finds the call and immediately is asked if he has a set.

"Pair and a flush draw," he says, while the player in the 9 seat, the undershove, says that's where the set is.

Froehle - 4♣️ 7♣️
First all-in - QQ
Undershove - 44

"Well, that's not good for me," says the player with QQ when the turn is the 5♣️, completing the flush for Froehle. The T♣️ river completes the double knockout and moves Froehle to 90,000 and the chiplead here in Level 5.

Level - 5
Blinds - 150/300
Antes - 25
Entries - 154

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