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Friday, May 20, 2016

Double for Bond

Sameer Al-Dbhani (below) calls the raise form one player, then Matt Bond (above) moves all in for his last 32,000, the original raiser gets out of the way and Al-Dbhani makes the call.

Al-Dbhani is ahead with AJ and Bond's KT is in trouble in more than one way, as the original raiser said he folded KT.

So much for being behind, there's a K and Bond gets his double up, with Al-Dbhani slipping back to about 70,000.

Our thanks to Sameer Al-Dbhani for that play-by-play ... and the folks at Image Masters for today's photos.

Level - 12
Blinds - 600/1200
Antes - 200
Entries - 48

-- Dan Ross -

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