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Friday, May 20, 2016

He Got Gooch

The board is Q♦️ J♦️ K♣️ 8♣️ and David Hipperson has bet out 6000 into Jason Gooch, and everything about Gooch's body language says he's about to repop and put Hipperson all in.

Yep, there goes a stack of 5,000 chips, and Hipperson grimaces, but makes the call.

Gooch - A♦️ 4♦️ for a flush and a Broadway draw
Hipperson - J♣️ J♥️ for a flopped middle set

The river is a blank, and the dealer counts out 38,700 as the all-in bet. Gooch says something to the effect he didn't think Hipperson had THAT strong of a hand.

David Hipperson - 91,000
Jason Gooch - 13,500

Gooch is all-in a few hands later and his 55 holds against 44 so Gooch moves back to 25,000

Level - 11
Blinds - 600/1200
Antes - 200
Players Left - 56

Dan Ross -

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