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Thursday, May 19, 2016

Shove, Tank, Clock

Ryan Tepen makes it 3,000 preflop, Matt Fahs bumps it to 9,000 and Tepen calls.

The flop is T♣️ 2♥️ J♠️, Fahs bets out 11,000 and Tepen calls.

The turn is 8♠️ and Fahs slides out enough 5,000 chips to put Tepen all in.

Four minutes go by and another player at the table calls clock, well 3 1/2 minutes had gone by, floor came over 30 seconds later and started the 'clock' on Tepen.

Tepen stared at Fahs for about 20 more seconds, then dejectedly slid his cards into the muck before the clock could run out.

Matt Fahs - 160,000
Ryan Tepen - 51,000

Level - 11
Blinds - 600/1200
Antes - 200
Players Left - 20

Dan Ross -

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