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Friday, May 20, 2016

Um, Whoa

There's a limp from early position, a raise to 600, a call from Sameer Al-Dbhani, a 3-bet to 2800 from Matt Bond in the SB, all fold back around to Al-Dhbani who 4-bets to 6,650 and a flat from Bond.

OK, now that we have all the preflop action out of the way, here's what happened next.

The flop is 4♦️ 2♠️ 9♦️ and Bond check-calls the 6,000 bet from Al-Dbhani. Both players check the 8♥️ turn, then Bond shoves when the 4♣️ hits the river. Well, he took almost a minute, then shoved.

"I was calling any bet but an all in," says Al-Dbhani, exasperated, as he starts counting out chips and sees he has a bout 41,000 behind.

Nearly three 3 minutes go by, then he asks the dealer for a count and stands up, still wondering what to do. Katherine the Dealer says Bond - who final tabled three HPT events last year - has 27,550 as his all-in bet.

Al-Dbhani finds a call, puts the chips out and Bond shows Q-Q for two pair, and Al-Dbhani mucks his cards. The dealer stops him, however, and says his cards must be shown since it was an all-in and a call. Floor is called and that is confirmed, despite Al-Dbhani having picked his cards up and placed them in the muck.

The dealer does recover them and she turns over

K♣️ 2♣️

for two pair, but a lesser two than Bond.

Matt Bond - 81,000
Sameer Al-Dbhani - 14,000

Level - 4
Blinds - 100/200
Antes - 25
Entries - 94

Dan Ross -

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