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Thursday, July 14, 2016

4-Card for Tomerlin

Matt Bond opens for 5400 and Doug Tomerlin moves all-in from the SB for his last 43,800. Chipleader Richard Klein is in the BB, and he takes a moment to pause before checking his cards.

As soon as Klein mucks, Bond snap-calls and shows TT.

Tomerlin shows 99 and they're off to the flop.

Q-6-J, a backdoor straight draw for Tomerlin, that becomes open-ended on the turn when Bond hits his set.

The river ... K ... a 4-card straight for Tomerlin to double.

Doug Tomerlin - 93,000
Matt Bond - 83,000

Level - 14
Blinds - 1000/2000
Antes - 300
Players Left - 26

-- Dan Ross -

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