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Sunday, July 17, 2016

First Hand Action

Well, first hand for Danny Gonzales, that is. Danny showed up 20 minutes late and arrived to his chips in a pile in front of him. He starts betting before he can even get his chips in order.

He bets out 12,000 on a 9 6 2 flop, and is check-called by Thomas Fuller. The turn is a 4 and Fuller again check-calls Gonzales, this time a 20,000 bet.

Fuller checks a third time on the 5 river. Gonzales thinks for about 45 seconds, then checks behind, and tables his 77 towards the much when he sees Fuller show A 9 for flopped top pair.

Thomas Fuller - 225,000
Danny Gonzales - 185,000

Level - 16
Blinds - 2000/4000
Antes - 500
Players - >98

-- Dan Ross -

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