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Thursday, July 14, 2016

Limping With Aces, the Right Way

Barry Faecher limps from UTG+1, it folds around to Thomas McGinnis who raises from the BB. Faecher moves all-in and McGinnis makes the call.

Faecher - AA
McGinnis - QQ

"I really thought about folding, your limp-shove there made me think you had AA," says McGinnis.

The board runs out 2-A-J-8-6 and it looks as though the two players have near-identical stacks. The dealer counts down Faecher and says he has 107,000. McGinnis starts to walk away, but the dealer flips two black 100 chips his way.

McGinnis is left with a single ante. He is all-in-dark the next hand and hits 3rd pair to move to one full BB.

In those chips go again, Faecher is also in the hand, and well, I guess McGinnis can now say Barry Faecher knocked his out with quads. Yep, Faecher gets quad kings to get the final blind from McGinnis.

Barry Faecher - 217,000

Level - 12
Blinds - 800/1600
Antes - 200
Players Left - 34

-- Dan Ross -

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