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Sunday, July 17, 2016

Table Chatter

Bruce Carter and Jacky Lee are kind'a jawing at each other after Carter flops middle set on a 2-3-4 board, only to have the board run out 5-6 for a straight and a chop with Lee's K-J.

Carter openly questions Lee's bets and congratulates him on "getting there on the river." Lee jabs back at Carter, only to elicit a response of ... "Because you are playing against someone who knows what he is doing."

The dealer knows what he is doing .. he splits the pot, ships chips to each player, and moves on to the next hand.

Bruce Carter - 315,000
Jacky Lee - 425,000

There was a Level-Up as I wrote this, so action is now at
Level - 17
Blinds - 2500/5000
Antes - 500
Players Left - >92

-- Dan Ross -

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