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Saturday, July 16, 2016

The Rex and JR Show

Earlier today it was the @RexClickscales and @AllenKessler Show going on, now it is Rex and tablemate JR Richards who are entertaining the crowd and the rest of the table.

The flop is Q♣️  7♥️  J♣️ , but we pick up the action on the A♦️ turn, with JR making it 3600 and Rex, with a substantial amount of friendly banter going back and forth, making the call.

Rex calls for the 3♣️ river, but it is A♥️ instead, and the two chatter about what the bet size should be from JR. He settles on 8,075 and Rex tries to talk himself into making the call ... and he does just that.

JR shows A 7 for a flopped  bottom pair and flush draw, turned 2 pair and rivered boat.
Rex flashes Norman Chad's Prettiest Hand in the Deck, A , and mucks.

Rex Clinkscales - 98,000                                                                   JR Richards - 87,000

Level - 9
Blinds - 400/800
Antes - 100
Entries - 212

-- Dan Ross -

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