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Friday, July 15, 2016

Winning Without Showdowns

Greg Geller has chipped up to 87,000 by taking down back-to-back hands without seeing a turn card.

Hand 1
Geller opens for 1700 and draws three callers.
The flop is T-T-T, yep, three tens on the flop. The button checks, Geller bets 6000 and all his opponents fold.

Hand 2
We miss the preflop action, yet we see the player in the 9 seat has bet 8000 on a 6-5-8 flop, only to have Geller move all in.

THAT is how you add 21,000 in chips in 2 hands.

There was a level-up as I was writing this, so action is now at

Level - 9
Blinds - 400/800
Antes - 100
Entries - 125

-- Dan Ross -

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