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Saturday, September 3, 2016

Among the Leaders

After opening to 1400 from under the gun, George Pappas gets 3 bet to 3500 and he is the only one to make the call.

Board Kc Kc Kc

Both Pappas and Michael Bajza check the flop.

Turn Kc

Pappas leads for 4100 and after thinking for a few ... Bajza calls.

River Kc

Pappas checks and Bajza bets 6800 and Pappas folds.

Even after that hand, Pappas is one of the few players over 100,000 chips.

George Pappas 102,700
Bajza 42,800

Level -7
Blinds -250/500
Antes -50
Entries -232

-- Clinton Cartwright -

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