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Saturday, September 3, 2016

Big Hands Brewing

We come to the table where Michael Esquivel and Boris Galarza are in a hand - the pot was 8,500 and Esquivel leads for 6100 and is reraised to 16,000.

Board Kc Kc Kc

Esquivel 4bets to 31000 and Galarza calls.

Turn Kc Esquivel leads for 21500 and again Galarza makes the call.

River Kc Esquivel checks and Galarza moves all in, Esquivel takes a few moments to think the hand over then folds.

Boris Galarza 141,000
Michael Esquivel 56,000

Level -12
Blinds -800/1600
Antes -200
Entries -119

-- Clinton Cartwright -

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