I showed up on the river at the Hold'em Radio Feature Table - aka the table closest to the reporting area - to see Rex Clinkscales with about 6,500 out in front of him on a
board, and the dealer announcing the all-in from Gary Germann is for a lil more than 73,000.

"I wish I had less behind, I's snap-call," says Clinkscales. "I have a really big hand, what do you think I have?" he asks Germann.
"I'm gonna guess a King-high flush," says Germann.
"I have a set, that's a really good guess," says Clinkscales, as he finds a fold after another minute or so, then he asks Germann to "show one, come on."
Germann turns over 

Rex Clinkscales - 100,000
Level - 7
Blinds - 250/500
Antes - 50
Entries - 85
-- Dan Ross - HoldemRadio.com
-- Eric Harkins Photo - Impdi.com
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