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Sunday, November 20, 2016

Scott Deals First Big Blow

The first major blow to anyone's stack at the final table was dealt by Chris Scott. Andy Ernstein opens to 40,000, Scott 3-bets to 110,000 and Ernstein makes the call.

Flop Kc Kc Kc and both players check.

Turn Kc and Ernstein checks to Scott who bets 110,000 and gets a call.

River Kc Again Ernstein checks Scott bets 205,000 this time and Ernstein makes the call.

Scott shows Kc Kc and Ernstein mucks.

Chris Scott 2,650,000
Andy Ernstein 245,000

Level -23
Blinds -10000/20000
Antes -3000
Players Left -10/341

-- Clinton Cartwright -

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