Andrew Dean
Garcia opened to 205,000 and Dean called on the button. The flop came

The turn was the

Cord Garcia
Garcia checked when the

Garcia also doubled up Saad Vazquez. Vazquez opened on the button to 205,000 and Garcia reraised to 800,000. Vasquez called. When the flop came

Saad Vazquez (left) doubles through Cord Garcia (right)
Garcia bet 975,000 and Vazquez called for less, putting himself at risk. He had flopped a pair with

Seat | Player | Chip Count |
1 | Zo Karim | 3,895,000 |
2 | Dan O'Brien | 6,865,000 |
3 | Andrew Dean | 4,160,000 |
4 | Ben Keeline | 975,000 |
5 | Saad Vasquez | 3,400,000 |
6 | Cord Garcia | 4,395,000 |
Level - 29
Blinds - 40,000/80,000
Antes - 10,000
Entries - 6/787
-- Brent Harrington - Hold'em Live Updates
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