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Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Keeline's Two Pair Holds, O'Brien Just Misses

Ben Keeline goes all in for his last 6,400
Ben Keeline just won a pot after getting all in for his tournament life. He flopped two pair and was basically all in on the flop. He put his remaining chips in and happily scooped up the pot after his opponent failed to catch up.

Keeline is relieved that his two pair held

Keeline's table is filled with some big stacks and some big names, including Dan O'Brien and Matt Stout. Shortly after the hand played out, O'Brien tried to shoot his empty water bottle into a trash can about seven feet away. He missed, overshooting the can and bouncing the bottle off the rail and onto the floor. Keeline and O'Brien are now sharing a table with chipleader Ben Ector, and defending champion Aaron Thomas.

Ben Keeline - 44,000
Dan O'Brien - 60,000
Matt Stout - 26,000
Aaron Thomas - 72,000
Ben Ector - 104,000

Blinds - 400/800
Antes - 100
Entries - 125

-- Brent Harrington - Hold'em Live Updates

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