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Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Nicholas Summervill Stars in, Dodging the Flush

Nicholas Summervill

Nicholas Summervill got his last 11,025 chips in with pocket kings on a jack-high flop with two clubs. He checked to his opponent who bet 11,000 and Summervill went all in. It wasn't very dramatic as his shove was basically a call plus a single 25 chip.

He showed pocket kings and stood up as though expecting a third club to hit the board. The turn and the river brought two hears instead, giving Summervill the pot. Summervill is now back to almost the starting stack with 28,000.

Andrew Dean

To Summervill's right is Andrew Dean. Dean is holding one of the top stacks as the players head to their second break of the day. He's got 76,000 coming back to 300/600 levels.

-- Brent Harrington - Hold'em Live Updates

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