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Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Garcia v Wienhoff Rematch

After the flop comes Kc Kc Kc, Bobby Garcia bets 6200.  Bryan Wienhoff raises to 14,000 and Garcia shoves.  Wienhoff thinks out loud, putting Garcia on a flush draw.  He is far outchipped, but eventually makes the call for his entire stack of 48,900.

Turn: Kc
River: Kc

Wienhoff:  Kc Kc
Garcia:  Kc Kc

Wienhoff is sitting comfortably with over 100,000 in chips while Garcia has been cut down from table chipleader to about 135,000.

Level - 12
Blinds - 800/1600
Antes - 200
Remaining - 27

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