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Monday, September 4, 2017

Haywood Eliminates Olisar in Biggest Pot of Tourney

Ryan Olisar raises to 85,000 and Darrell Haywood and Edward Veitch come along

The flop is Kc Kc Kc, Haywood bets 250,000 and Olisar calls, with Veitch folding.

The turn is Kc, Haywood bets 700,000 and Olisar calls.

The river is Kc and Haywood moves all in for 2.535 million.

Olisar takes quite a while debating this ... and finds a call.

Olisar shows Kc Kc for two pair
Haywood shows Kc Kc for a full house.

KathyTheDealer and JeremyTheTD count down the stacks and they are identical, both players have 2.535 million, and Olisar is eliminated in 8th place, a $18,522 cash.

Haywood takes a huge chiplead, moving to 6 million.

Veitch folded KJ on the flop, he would have turned Broadway and that could have been a double-knockout.

Blinds - 20/40k
Antes - 5k
Remaining - 7

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