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Sunday, September 3, 2017

Punisher Claims 2, Sends to Redraw

Nick Davidson opens for 35,000, Karl Quinn moves in for 95,000, then Darrell 'Punisher' Haywood tries to 4-bet but messes up his bet and it is ruled only a call.

Davidson then 5-bets to 260,000 and Haywood calls the 260k.

The flop is Kc Kc Kc and Haywood - after pausing for about 15 seconds - announces all-in, with Davidson snap-calling off his remaining 200k or so.

Haywood shows Kc Kc for an overpair.
Davidson shows Kc Kc for a bigger overpair.

I gotta confess here, I didn't look up to see what Quinn's hand was at this point, you'll know why in a moment.

Before I can see what all three hands are, the dealer peel off Kc on the turn, giving Punisher a set.

The river is Kc and while Haywood and others comment on him hitting a set, Davidson quietly gathers his belongings and makes his way to the payouts.

Darrell Haywood - 2,500,000
Nick Davidson - 28th place - $4,297
Karl Quinn - 29th place - $4,297

Level - 21
Blinds - 6k/12k
Antes - 2k
Remaining - 27/517

Dan Ross - Hold'em Live Updates

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