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Thursday, September 14, 2017

Tolbert's Brilliant Button

Thomas Tolbert takes out a player and solidifies his current position as chip leader for Day 1B with a brilliant play from late position.

The UTG player raises to 4,500 and gets a caller.  Tolbert, who is on the button, makes the call as well.

Flop:  Kc Kc Kc

The UTG player bets 5,500 and the other player calls.  With the action now on Tolbert, he raises to 17,500.  The UTG player calls and the other player folds.

Turn:  Kc

The UTG player checks, and Tolbert quickly throws in 30,000, effectively putting his opponent all-in who does make the call.

River:  Kc

Tolbert:  Kc Kc
Opponent:   qc Kc

Tolbert busts his opponent and is currently sitting with about 260,000 in chips.

Level - 13
Blinds - 1k/2k
Antes - 300
Remaining - 32

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