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Thursday, September 14, 2017

Turoff Takes Off

In a heads up hand, Jordan Turoff pulls in a nice-sized pot.

A player in middle position raises to 4,200 and Turoff calls from the big blind.

Flop:  Kc Kc Kc

Both players check.

Turn:  Kc

Turoff bets 6,000 and his opponent raises to 12,000.  Without hesitation, Turoff throws in 25,000 more to make the bet a total of 31,000.  His opponent tanks for a moment, but eventually folds.

Turoff is currently sitting with about 136,000 in chips.

Level - 12
Blinds - 800/1600
Antes - 200
Remaining - 41

Jessica Parente - Hold'em Live Updates

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