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Friday, May 11, 2018

2nd Time No Good

Dan Kloepper put his last 7,500 in with Ace_Nine and was called by the Pocket_Eights of Sal Falcone. Kloepper was saved when the board ran out a Ten-High straight, wiping out the set of Falcone.

Back all in again a few orbits later with Jack_Nine against the Eight_Nine of Casey Carroll (above) on a 9-T-x flop.

Carroll goes boat, and 'round these parts Boat Don't Lie.

Carroll is looking for a May Final Table Threepeat here in East Chicago. He won the May 2016 HPT here, then finished 4th last May for a combined $245k in winnings.

Level - 5
BB Ante - 400
Blinds - 200/400
Entries - 130

-- Dan Ross, Hold'em Live Updates

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