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Sunday, May 13, 2018

Double or Bust?

Down to his last 39,700, former HPT Belterra champ Sameer Ah-Dbhany moves all in preflop and draws one caller.

Al-Dbhany shows Pocket_Kings and is behind the only hand he can be a dog to.

Yep, his challenger tables two red Aces.

The J-Q-9, two diamond flop gives Al-Dbhany a gutter to a Ten.

The turn is another diamond, then a red Ten hits the river and the challenger has the Ace of Diamonds.

A straight for Al-Dbhany .... and ... nope, Ten of hearts, no flush.

Al-Dbhany doubles to 88,000

Level - 12
BB Ante - 2400
Blinds - 1200/2400
Remaining - 46/164

-- Dan Ross, Hold'em Live Updates

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