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Saturday, May 12, 2018

Miracle River for Gutfreund

A very short-stacked David Gutfreund is all in preflop with Three_Four of clubs and draws a handful of callers.

The A-2-5 flop gives Gutfreund a wheel, one opponent has Ace_Queen and bets out, finding himself behind the wheel and needing a world of help.

The turn 5 gives Gutfreund's challenger two pair, looking to go boat FTW.

River ... Barry Greenstein... Ace on the river ... Ace of clubs ...

Hold on, that Ace ... of Clubs .... that gives Gutfreund a Steel Wheel and he survives.

The entire room knows, too, from the yell Gutfreund let out as he was already walking away from the table as the river was peeled.

As punishment for a one-outer suckout, Gutfreund is moved from the table the very next hand.

OK, c'mon, Man, you know that's not how t goes, JohnTheTD needed to balance a table and his spot was the one to move.

Speaking of volume, though, Sameer Al-Dbhany flops middle set against top pair and gets all his chips in the middle. His challenger goes runner-runner and sends Al-Dbhany to the rail is a loud outburst of anguish.

Level - 12
BB Ante - 2k
Blinds - 1k/2k
Entries - 55/192

-- Dan Ross, Hold'em Live Updates

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