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Friday, July 27, 2018


Jason and Jeff Brin are both in today's flight. The brothers have over $1M in combined earnings. Jason landed $667k of that in ONE event when he topped a field of 1,175 at Choctaw in 2015.

We just walked up to see Jason involved in a big hand with two other players.

With plenty of chips already in the pot on a KcKcKc flop, all three players put in 8.5k.

The turn Kc came and Brin pushed all in for 13k or so. The second player called. Ted Forshey pushed all in over the top for 41.3 more. The other player in the hand deliberated for quite some time before making the fold.

Forshey and Brin tabled their hands.

Forshey - KcKc

Brin - KcKc

Brin needed a nine for the chop but the Kc came instead. Forshey scooped the pot and Brin headed for the exit.

Ted Forshey - ~135,000

Level: 12 (2:00 remaining)
Blinds: 1,000/2,000
BB Ante: 2,000
Flight A Total: 107
Remaining: 30

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