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Saturday, July 28, 2018


Local man Michael Shackelford has $22k in reported earnings at the felt, but he's still chasing his first HPT cash.

He's in good shape so far. Shackelford just eliminated a player after the two got the chips in the middle on a Q-7-5 flop. Shackelford was in great shape with a set of 5s and his opponent was looking for an 8 or running straight cards.

The turn was a 7 and the river a deuce. Shackelford scored the knockout and, as far as we can tell, is now the chip leader here in Flight B.

Michael Shackelford - 137k

Level: 6 (23:00 remaining)
Blinds: 200/500
BB Ante: 500
Entries: 162

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