Ahmad Zughayer raised a minimum bet to 15k from the button and got two callers.
fell on the river. Action checked to Zughayer who shipped his last 44,500. He got one caller. Zughayer's 
was good for two pair and beat his opponent's pair of jacks. Zughayer is up to close to 150k.

There is some great friendly table banter after Sammy Aweida called Zughayer's river bet with pocket twos earlier when the board showed five overs. Zughayer had ace-high. The hand has been quite the topic of conversation for the last 15-20 minutes.
Level: 15 (16:00 remaining)
Blinds: 2,000/4,000
BB Ante: 4,000
Flight A Total: 90 Players
Remaining: 17
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