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Thursday, September 20, 2018


Cord Garcia opens, Karen Novotny raises, there's a 4-bet from Valerie Hanley, Garcia hesitates but folds and Novotny calls for more than half her stack.

Hanley dark-bets more than enough to put Novotny all-in and the bet is paid off.

Novotny turns over Pocket_Queens and grimaces as an Ace is in the window as Hanley turns over Ace_King.

A bigger grimaces comes with the 9 on the turn and Garcia says he mucked two of those.

Next hand, similar result as there's an open, a call, a 3-bet from Hanley and this time a call from Garcia from the BB. The Original Raiser moves all in for 15,500 and Hanley calls, with Garcia stepping aside once again.

Hanley is ahead, Ace_Queen to Ace_Jack, there's a Queen on the flop and she earns back-to-back eliminations and move to 125,000.

Level - 6
BB Ante - 400
Blinds - 200/400
Entries - 54

-- Dan Ross, Hold'em Live Updates
-- Korey Stewart Photo

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