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Thursday, October 25, 2018


Short-stacked most of the day, OJ Miller gets his last 35,500 in the middle after a shorter-stacked challenger moved in and Shahab Mazaheri moved over-the-top.

Miller turned over Pocket_Nines and was off to the races against the Ace_Queen of Mazaheri and the Ace_Jack of the remaining challenger.

The board ran out 5-K-5-5-2 and Miller eliminated one player and doubled through Mazaheri for almost an exact triple to 103,000.

The elimination moved the field to two 9-handed tables as a LevelUp nears.

Level - 13
BB Ante - 2500
Blinds - 1000/2500
Remaining - 18/89

-- Dan Ross, Hold'em Live Updates

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