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Friday, October 26, 2018


Roger Campbell opens for 7,500, Daniel Arcadi bumps it to 16,000, the SB Hollywoods and calls, and Campbell comes along as well.

SB and Campbell check the Kc Kc Kc flop, Arcadi (pictured) bets out, SB folds and Campbell check-calls.

Both remaining players check the Kc turn, with Campbell leading out for 25,000 on the Kc river.

Arcadi moves all-in for 91,500 and Campbell rapidly calls to put Arcadi at risk.

Campbell shows Ace_Three for trip threes and seems ready to score an elimination.

Hold on, Arcadi turns over Pocket_Queens ... a flopped set that turned a boat ... and you know what we say 'round these parts ... Boat Don't Lie.

Arcadi moves to 265,000. Campbell slips back to 185,000.

There's a LevelUp as I write, this, action moving to the final 40 minutes of Day 1B.

Photobomb courtesy of Nick Raio.

Level - 15
BB Ante - 4k
Blinds - 2k/4k
Entries - 25/125

-- Dan Ross, Hold'em Live Updates

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