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Saturday, October 27, 2018


Time and time again today - according to her tablemates - Toni Fiorenza has been dealt Pocket_Queens.

"What is that, 7 or 8 times she's had them," one says to another after the most recent hand.

The flop came Kc Kc Kc, 3,000 from Fiorenza and a call from her challenger.

Turn is Kc, a bet of 7,000 from the challenger and Fiorenza almost beat him in to the pot with her 7k.

River is Kc, a 12,000 bet this time from the challenger, and Fiorenza hits the brakes.

"I think you have two pair," she says as she mucks the Queens face_up.

"I had much better than that," she's told as he turns over 2-4 for a flopped open-ended straight that turned a straight that got bigger on the river.

Fiorenza say she didn't bet that one right preflop and should have played the hand different.

7 pocket pair in 7 levels, a 45k stack for Fiorenza.

Level - 7
BB Ante - 600
Blinds - 300/600
Entries - 174

-- Dan Ross, Hold'em Live Updates

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