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Friday, October 26, 2018


I showed up over at Table 44 with action well underway, Toni Fiorenza (pictured) and one challenger going at it.

There was a bet of 10,400 on the turn on the 2-K-4-A board, a raise to 20,000 (yep, not quite enough, I know) from Fiorenza, but before the dealer could do anything to correct it, there was an announcement of all-in from the challenger and a snap-call from Fiorenza to put her challenger at risk.

Fiorenza turned over Pocket_Fours for a set, but her challenger showed Three_Five for a wheel.

All the chips slid toward Fiorenza, however, when the river went Barry Greenstein for a Boat. Fiorenza only knew she won the hand initially from the reaction of the others at the table, for she didn't see the river Ace and the cards were raked in before she realized she won.

Toni Fiorenza - 86,000

Level - 8
BB Ante - 800
Blinds - 400/800
Entries - 119

-- Dan Ross, Hold'em Live Updates

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