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Thursday, October 25, 2018


Back sitting side-by-side once again, Maurice Hawkins and Ossama Estafamous are firing chips constantly. Estafanous has had the best of Hawkins most of the time they've been in hands together, and Hawkins has had enough.

"I don't want to be your friend. I want to take all of your chips," says Hawkins. "I don't want to have fun-talk. You just keep doing what you're doing and I promise we're going to get it in at some point in this tournament. I'll be right there to get all of your chips."

Estafanous keeps a constant chirping going from his end as well, and with each 3-4 words he gets a, "I get it, I don't want to be your friend, I want all of your chips," from Hawkins.

His head shaking and the words with a bit of an edge to them, Hawkins comes across a tad rattled, while Estafanous has a semi-smirk on his face, seeming amused by the trash-talking here in the night's final 25 minutes.

Hawkins is at about 170,000, Estafanous about 360,000 and has position on Hawkins.

Level - 15
BB Ante - 4k
Blinds - 2k/4k
Remaining - 15/89

-- Dan Ross, Hold'em Live Updates

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