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Sunday, November 11, 2018


I showed up to see the flop already out and about 2,800 in the pot, with three players involved.

There's a bet to 3,200 and Craig Casino check-calls from the SB while the third challenger steps aside on the Kc Kc Kc board.

Both players check the  turn, while Casino checks the Kc flop. His challenger makes it 4,100 and Casino seems as though he's going to call, but is pretty well convinced he's losing the chips.

Casino does make the call and his challenger turns over Pocked_Queens. Casino shows Kc Kc, a flopped open-ender that rivered trips.

64,000 for Casino here in Level 5.

Level - 5
BB Ante - 300
Blinds - 200/300
Entries - 174

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