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Sunday, November 11, 2018


Maurice Hawkins was talking across his table to Nick Pupillo before dinner break about how he planned to be at more than 100k by break and run that up to 230k or so by the end of play tonight.

Both Hawkins and Puppilo were at about 80k at that point.

Well, Pupillo has just exited the tournament area to go to the registration desk and use his one re-entry.

As for Hawkins, he just made it 2,200 on a 3-3-8 flop, drawing one check-caller.

Hawkins fired away again, for 5,000 on the 2 turn and another check-call.

6 on the river, both players check, Hawkins isn't showing his hand so his challenger calls out, "King," turns over King_Jack. Hawkins exposes a nine and mucks, dropping to 34,000.

Level - 8
BB Ante - 600
Blinds - 300/600
Entries - 198

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-- Hayley Hochstetler Photos

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