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Friday, April 26, 2019


Not long after taking a massive pot from Michael Rossito en route to building a flight-leading 520,000 stack, Adam Friedman and Stephen Song mix it up.

There's about 38,000 in the pot and the board is already complete - 6s4h9d7s3d - and Song puts out a 3/4 barrel of blue 5k chips.

Friedman makes a comment to Song, then reaches out and grabs the chips, cutting them out in three stacks of five to show the bet is 75,000. There's a comment from another player at the table about Friedman always pushing the boundaries and the dealer's expression says basically the same, while Song just shrugs it off as the players know one another.

Friedman remains in the tank for another 45-60 seconds, then reaches over and grabs Song's cards, adds them to his own and mucks.

Raise your hands if you'd react in a less than positive manner if the player to your immediate left - even if a friend or poker-aquaintance - grabbed your bet and restacked it, then less than a minute later grabbed your cards and mucked them with his.

There's friends, there's limits, and there's the electric third-rail that players sometimes dance on so see how much of a shock they can handle - or in this case, dish out.

Level - 13
Ante - 2400
Blinds - 1200/2400
Entries - 34/157

-- Dan Ross, Hold'em Media Live
-- Korey Stewart Photo

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