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Thursday, April 25, 2019


Bryant Miller was just pushed off of a large pot when Abdul Amer 3-bet the river to put Miller all in on a A-A-T-8-K board, and Miller had to walk away from the hand.

He moves all in the very next hand and is called by Patrick Phillips (pictured) calls to put Miller at risk.

Miller shows A-8
Phillips has KJdd

The 7-5-Q flop doesn't do much, but the T turn adds outs for Phillips to an open-ended draw. Phillips didn't need the draw, as he catches a Jack on the river and earns the elimination.

There's eliminations at each of the other two tables at the same time as this one, LuisTheTD comes and breaks a table and the field is now down to 18, just 5 away from the HardStop.

Level - 13
Ante - 2400
Blinds - 1200/2400
Entries - 18/103

-- Dan Ross, Hold'em Media Live

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