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Saturday, April 13, 2019


Remember a few levels back when we mentioned how Mike @StrongWill22 Esquivel feels as though his stack resembles a roller coaster.

Well, you see, what happened was.

Esquivel opens for 4,500 and the challenger two to his left moves all in. Everyone else moves out of the way - some taking a last-flight-moves-slow amount of time to slooooooowly peel up their cards before mucking - and Esquivel snap-calls.

9d for the challenger,
8c8d for Esquivel

Esquivel takes the lead with the 8h in the window, followed by JcTc, giving the challenger an open-ended straight draw and a backdoor flush draw.

Qc on the turn and Esquivel falls behind to the made straight and now the challenger also has a flush draw to improve. Esquivel is drawing to 9 outs to pair the board, 2 chop-outs to another 9 and the  9c for a straight flush

River is a 9 but the wrong one for the challenger as 9c arrives for the straight flush for Esquivel and the elimination.

Esquivel, down to 19,000, up to 208,000, down to 22,000 and now up to 115,000.

Level - 12
Ante - 2000
Blinds - 1000/2000
Entries - 57/197

-- Dan Ross, Hold'em Media Live

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